SRE week - Monday 13th May 2019
Here at Fern House we believe that promoting the health and well-being of our pupils is an important part of their overall education.
Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is an important part of the PSHE curriculum. During the SRE lessons, pupils will be able to ask questions, which will be answered factually and in an age appropriate manner. Each pupil's privacy will be respected, and no one will be asked to reveal personal information.
Some parts of SRE are compulsory - these are part of the National Curriculum for Science. Parents can withdraw their children from all other parts of SRE if they wish to do so. However, we believe that the presentation of sexual images in social and other media make it important that all young people have a place to discuss pressures, check facts and dispel myths. Even if a child is withdrawn, many pupils will discuss such issues with each other outside the classroom – so, rather than hear about the content second-hand, we hope all children will have the opportunity to take part in our carefully planned lessons.
Many parents and parent-related organisations support good quality SRE in school. Parents are the most important educators of young people in personal issues and many welcome the support that school can offer to supplement their home teaching.
You may find that your child starts asking questions about the topic at home, or you might want to take the opportunity to talk to your child about issues before the work is covered in school. If you have any queries about the content of the programme or resources used, please do not hesitate in contacting me at school.
Thank you for your continued support
John Puddefoot
Deputy Headteacher