Olympic athlete day - Friday 14th June 2019
An amazing day was had by all after the Olympic long jumper, Ezekiel Ewulo, visited Fern House.
An amazing day was had by all after the Olympic long jumper, Ezekiel Ewulo, visited Fern House.
Parent meeting on Wednesday 12th June at 2.15pm
From Monday 3rd June 2019 it is Science Week at Fern House. What wonderful experiments will our pupils being doing this week?
After the success of the football training at Orchardside for KS3 and KS4 we have arranged for a second set of training sessions to happen. It will run for 6 weeks from June 5th. Please see the letter for all the neccessaryinformation.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
John Puddefoot
Deputy Headteacher
On Wednesday 15th May 2019 Tempest Photography will be coming to Fern House to take individual photographs of our pupils.
The aim is to provide parents with fantastic memories and give parents something special to treasure and look back on.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me
John Puddefoot
Deputy Headteacher
Our Fern House School Dog is here.
Our school has recently been praised for a significant improvement in our attendance. As we are all aware attendance has big impact on our school and our pupils. It can greatly affect a child's learning, confidence, relationships, values and consistency. So we felt great pride when we were told about our improvement in our attendance. We would like to thank Raul Casas-Oriza, our assistant head teacher and our attendance lead, the pupils themselves and the parents. Fern House are fully aware of the challenges some parents and adults face bringing our pupils into school so wish to acknowledge them and the hard work it can take and thank them for their continued support.
A welcome visit from David Morrissey
A great time had by all!
'Voices and Choices' Performance
On Friday 16th November Fern House School supported Children in Need.