PSHE Curriculum
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Pupils at Fern House all struggle with the social and emotional demands of daily life, communication and personal relationships. Consequently, PHSE is at the heart of all we do; in our ethos, the taught curriculum and the values we model in all our interactions with our young people.
In addition to their specific social, emotional and mental health needs our pupils experience high levels of economic and cultural deprivation. We address this through taking every opportunity to raise their aspirations and expand their horizons whilst also building their self-confidence and self-esteem.
The taught PSHE curriculum is delivered in weekly sessions, for which pupils are grouped according to their chronological age, based on the published JIGSAW programme, and reinforced wherever appropriate across the curriculum.
The curriculum has four clear key aims :
- To ensure that our pupils understand how their bodies work, grow and develop into adulthood whilst also understanding how to keep themselves fit and healthy.
- To appreciate that human beings are infinitely variable in their appearance, beliefs, sexuality and family groupings and that in this country both the law and socially accepted norms respect their right to live freely and equally.
- To ensure that pupils have the information and support they need to keep safe in their personal relationships and on line; in particular developing strategies to cope with the pressures and dangers of social media.
- To encourage pupils to have achievable aspirations, rooted in self awareness and a sense of self worth, through experiencing a wide range of cultural, social and economic opportunities; including specific careers guidance.