Sandwell Wellbeing Chartermark
Fern House has achieved the Sandwell Whole School Wellbeing
Chartermark. This is a national award, and we are one of the first schools’ in Enfield to reach this achievement.
The process has taken over 18 months and demonstrates that we have made significant improvements in all school areas identified by Public Health England (Leadership, Ethos and Environment, Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Pupil Voice, targeted Support, Staff Development, Identifying Needs, monitoring Impact and Working with Parents).
Here are a few of the quotes that came from the surveys which were highlighted in the report...
“Give me the best care” and “they know my needs”
“The Staff are nice and make me feel welcome and I belong”
“FHS feels like a family and is better than a mainstream school”
“They are kind to me and make me feel loved”
Most parents feel that their children are taught about SEMH issues “a lot”
“The school helps me. You let me play before I start my work”
“My opinion is sought and listened to‘’
“I feel that the school is very well-equipped to deal with my child’s social and emotional needs, whilst helping give them an education"