English Curriculum
English Intent
Our systemic approach to the teaching of reading is planned to address the significant language and communication deficit which characterises our pupils. Based on rigorous assessment of their capabilities and needs, pupils have either a daily phonics lesson delivered through Read Write Inc or a comprehension lesson based on the MIDAS reading detective programme. This consistency of approach ensures that pupils have a firm foundation of phonic knowledge, whilst also developing the higher order reading skills essential for confident, competent reading.
English lessons are planned on a two-week cycle and offer further opportunities for focused decoding and comprehension. Analysis of the features of a genre, opportunities for oral rehearsal, and clear success criteria exemplified through teacher modelling are the consistent strategies, embedded in the planning, to support the teaching of writing, Grammar is taught in discrete starter sessions and reinforced through teacher modelling of grammar features in context.
Texts are carefully chosen to engage pupils and where appropriate to address and explore some of the social and emotional difficulties they face; which are at the heart of their special educational needs and learning difficulties. We also aim to provide a rich and varied range of material in order to broaden our pupils’ horizons and challenge the insularity which is a feature of the cultural deprivation common to so many of them