Curriculum Event Tomorrow!
Please be reminded that tomorrow (Wednesday 5th February) we are holding a Curriculum Event followed by Parent / Pupil Consultations.
Between 9:00am and 12:00pm, Curriculum Leaders will be showcasing their subject to you. You will have the opportunity to walk around our school and learn how we teach Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and Art. You will see our curriculum in it’s entirety by viewing our curriculum and progression maps, including the vocational and GCSE routes in Key Stage 3 and 4. You will learn about why we teach what we teach and what key skills, knowledge and understanding we hope every child at Fern House learns in preparation for life after school. You’ll see how we teach our subjects, including what we use to engage pupils and what resources we use to help children understand key concepts.
Our Woodlands Shop will be open for you to see how we incentivise attendance and positive behaviour. You can learn about our Fern House values and find out about how your child can demonstrate their understanding of these.
Our wonderful office staff will be available for all your needs, including uniform and parent pay. Our SENDCo, Paige, will be available to answer any questions you have regarding SEN processes and SEN provision at Fern House. Our Child Protection Lead, John, will be available for you to help you to understand safeguarding procedures in school and how to keep your child safe outside of school.
Leaders will be available for you to meet with and ask any questions you feel you need answers to.
We look forward to seeing you.